My Lord, what a morning
My Lord , what a morning est un Négro spiritual du 18ème ou 19 ème siècle qui fut interprété par de nombreux artistes ou groupes d'artistes: citons Marian Anderson (1897-1963), l'une des premières, Harry Belafonte( né en 1927), Joan Baes (née en 1941), le fameux Golden Gate Quartet fondé en 1934 etc...
La version proposée ici est celle harmonisée par Jacques Berthe.
En fin de page , vous pourrez écouter diverses interprétations proposées par ces artistes...
Paroles et traduction:
My Lord, what a morning
Mon Dieu, quel matin
when the stars begin to fall
Quand les étoiles commencent à tomber
1-You'll hear the trumpet sound
Vous entendrez les trompettes sonner
to wake the nations underground
pour réveiller les nations ensevelies
2-You'll the sinner mourn
Vous entendrez les pêcheurs gémir
3-You'll the Christian south
Vous entendrez les chrétiens crier
Looking to my God' right hand
Regardez à droite de mon Dieu
Whenn the stars begin to fall
Quand les étoiles commencent à tomber!
soprano plus:
My Lord# what a /mor-ning /
My Lord what a /mor-ning /
My Lord what a /mor-ning
When the /stars be-gin to /fall
1)You'll /hear the trum-pet /sound to wake the /na-tions un-der /ground /Loo-king to my God's right /hand when the /stars be-gin to /fall. ////////
2)You'll /hear the sin-ner /mourn to wake the /na-tions un-der /ground////////////
3)You'll /hear the chris-tian /shout to wake the /na-tions un-der-/ground /////
Looking to my God' right hand When the stars begin to fall !
Alto plus:
My Lord what a /mor-ning
O /My Lord what a /mor-ning /
My Lord what a /mor-ning
When the /stars be-gin to /fall /
1-The trum-pet /sound to wake the /na-tions un--der /ground /Loo-king to my God's right /hand When the /stars be-gin to /fall. ////////
2-The /The sin-ner /mourn to wake the /na-tions un-der /ground/////////////
3-The chris-tian's /shout to wake the /na-tions un-der-/ground /////
Looking to my God' right hand When the stars begin to fall !
Homme plus:
My Lord what a /mor-ning /
My Lord what a /mor-ning
O /My Lord what a /mor-ning
When /the stars /fall /
1-The trum-pet /sound to wake the /na-tions un-der- /ground O / When the /stars be--/gin to /fall. /////////
2-The sin-ner /mourn to wake the /na-tions un-der--/ground /////////////
3-The chris-tian's /shou to wake the /na-tions un-der--/ground /////
o- / /When the stars begin to fall !
My Lord , what a morning
Marian Anderson - My Lord, What A Morning (Spiritual)
The Golden Gate Quartet: My Lord What A Morning
Joan Baez - My Lord What A Morning [HD]
My Lord , what a morning
Harry Belafonte - My Lord What A Mornin' (Live)
Jessye Norman sings My Lord what a morning Live , 1972 Edinburgh
The Moses Hogan Singers - My Lord, What a Morning
My Lord What a Morning
My Lord, what a morning - Het Urker Mannenkoor 'Hallelujah' - Official recording
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